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Bennie alumni Nancy Bellmont - Class of 1976
Sexism is no secret. Women have consistently faced discrimination in ways both large and small throughout the course of history, and women on the campuses of the College of Saint Benedict’s and Saint John’s University have not been immune. Like many…

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Part of the title page for the exhibit Duality: Artists' Books Exploring Multiple Sides

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The Rat Pack is a group of Johnnies that are known today for their boisterous cheering and school spirit at athletic competitions. In the past, however, the Rat Pack has been known for its demeaning behavior towards women through inappropriate…

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In October of 2021, an alleged sex competition taking place on the first two floors of a sophomore dorm, namely Pat Hall, was brought to light. According to The Record, the male students living on those floors had assigned point values to specific…

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In the fall of 2005, the AKS fraternity at Saint John’s was in the midst of hazing its freshman. One of the obligatory tasks was to take naked photos of specific Bennies and share them with the frat, according to the KSTP news report in March of…

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The Vagina Monologues is the title of an episodic play written in 1996 by Eve Ensler, which has been performed at hundreds of colleges and universities around Valentine’s Day every year since. To quote Ensler herself, “The play explores consensual…

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Starting in the 1960s and serving as a tradition for more than 30 years, students at Saint John’s participated in what was referred to as “the panty raids.” Through various accounts of this “tradition” in The Record and an interview with Bennie…

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The earliest mention of "Bennie Jokes" in the student newspapers comes from an article in The Record published in 1947, when one Robert Duane Brown said, "...I was going to be the clever one again, and come forth with one of my sensational Bennie…
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