AKS Controversy (2005)

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AKS Controversy (2005)


In the fall of 2005, the AKS fraternity at Saint John’s was in the midst of hazing its freshman. One of the obligatory tasks was to take naked photos of specific Bennies and share them with the frat, according to the KSTP news report in March of 200537. Five freshmen departed for Saint Ben’s with a list of names given to them by the other brothers, a camera, and two paddles that were the signature of the group. A CSB security officer stopped the group of boys to inquire about the paddles, suspecting that the boys were up to something38. The officer confiscated the list, and the “mission” was revealed. According to a brother interviewed by Twin Cities’ TV news station, he felt that nothing had been done wrong since the act never actually happened and claims that it was a joke, never meant to be carried out in the first place39. “It was a stupid thing written down on a piece of paper. We never intended for the rushes to come back with those things,” was the claim made by a student by the last name of Smith according to The Record.40 It is worth mentioning that here had been a known history on campus of misogynistic behavior and alleged sexual misconduct incidents involving the AKS fraternity. This information was then sent to the St. John’s Dean of Campus Life, Jason Laker, and then presented to the St. John’s Senate Charter Board. The Senate unanimously voted that the AKS Fraternity would lose club status until the fall of 2006.41 In April of that same year, the fraternity applied for an appeal but was rejected with an 8-5 vote by the student Senate.42


The Record, March 17, 2005: https://cdm.csbsju.edu/digital/collection/CSBArchNews/id/32354/rec/1




“AKS Controversy (2005),” College of Saint Benedict/Saint John's University Libraries, accessed February 19, 2025, https://csbsjulib.omeka.net/items/show/1599.