Women and Priesthood

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Sisters Colman O'Connell, Mary Anthony Wagner, and Nancy Hynes

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Women Work for Equality in Priesthood

In 1973, the student newspaper Vitae interviewed Sister Emmanuel Renner, who stated her belief that women should have the option to become priests. As she said, “One should think of this vocation, as well as that of Pope or President, in terms of having the qualification for the job. Not all men have the qualifications for these jobs either. Those wanting to be priests, whether men or women, should ask themselves if they have the necessary human requirements.” Other Sisters agreed with this sentiment, such as S. Nancy Hynes and S. Mary Anthony Wagner.  

Discussions continued, as on November 10-12, 1978, the Second Conference on the Ordination of Roman Catholic Women was held in Baltimore.  S. Wagner (Professor of Theology at CSB) and Laura Szalacha (President of CSB Student Administrative Board) attended. The stance of those at the conference was that a woman who wished to become a priest should be allowed to become one. The canon law of the Catholic Church said that only men will be priests because they reflect what God looks like. The conference wished to change this and ensure equality of women in the church. 

Women and Priesthood