S. Jeanne Lust (1951-xxxx) Jr. High/High School Teacher and College Faculty
Sister Jeanne Marie Lust was born on Oct. 17, 1951, in Wells, MN to Hubert and Irene (Chicos). She came to the College of St. Benedict in 1969. She was interested in the sciences after high school. She was mentored early on by Sister Dunstan Plantenburg and Sister Mary Grell to work in the biology lab as a work-study job. She received her B.A. in biology in 1973 and entered the community in the same year. She began teaching 7th grade at John the 23rd Middle School in St. Cloud and taught both middle-level and high school science. Later she would go back to school and received her Ph.D. in 1990 at the University of Minnesota. Her dissertation was titled "Allografts of Tumor Nuclear Transplantation Embryos: Differentiation Competence. This research contributed to a study of the ability of a normal cytoplasmic environment to reprogram the genetic information found in the nucleus of a cancerous cell. After completing her PhD in 1990, she began teaching at the College of St. Benedict. During this time, she did research on the cause of deformities occurring in Minnesota frogs. She retired from teaching in 2023 and likes to spend free time in the summer at the golf course.