S. Carleen Schomer (1941-xxxx) Elementary, Secondary, and College Faculty
Sister Carleen (Mildred) Schomer was born on Sept. 19, 1941, in Lastrup, MN to Michael and Mary (Voelker). She was taught by Benedictines in Lastrup which initially drew her to religious life. After high school in Little Falls, she entered the community in 1961 and began college. She graduated from the College of St. Benedict in 1966 with a B.A. in chemistry. She received her M.S. from Marquette University and D.A. from the University of Illinois. She taught elementary and secondary education in Minnesota and Puerto Rico. Sister Carleen taught chemistry at CSB/SJU for 35 years. She was the last sister to teach chemistry at the college.
Photography has continued to be another calling in Sister Carleen’s life and has taken thousands of pictures that have been used by the monastery.